Scoping and EIA is the thorough environmental assessment required for activities contained in listing 2. The activities listed in listing 2 are activities that due to their nature and/or extent are likely to have significant impacts that cannot be easily predicted. Listing 2 activities are therefore higher risk activities that potentially cause higher levels of pollution, waste and environmental degradation.
The Scoping Report (including Plan of Study for EIA) requires a description of the proposed activity and any feasible and reasonable alternatives, a description of the property and the environment that may be affected and the manner in which the biological, social, economic and cultural aspects of the environment may be impacted by the proposed activity; description of environmental issues and potential impacts, including cumulative impacts that have been identified, and details of the public participation process undertaken. In addition, the Scoping Report must contain a roadmap for the Environmental Impact Assessment, referred to as the Plan of Study for the EIA, specifying the methodology to be used to assess the potential impacts, and the specialists or specialist reports that are required.
The Applicant may only proceed with the EIA after the Competent Authority has approved the Scoping Report and the Plan of Study for the EIA.
The Scoping and EIA Process culminates in the development and submission of the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Draft Environmental Management Plan to the Competent Authority.
How to understand and use the flowchart below: The Scoping and EIA process outlined below is devided into 8 phases. Each of the phases contains a number of steps. When additional information is available for a step, a hand cursor will appear over the block, click to access.
Acronyms used in the flowchart below: CA = Competent Authority; I&AP = Interested and Affected Party; EAP = Environmental Assessment Practitioner.